Nestled in New Bothwell, in the heart of Manitoba’s dairy belt, Bothwell Cheese produces more than two dozen cheese varieties using locally sourced ingredients and processes. Our natural cheeses have attracted attention—and awards.
Lactose-Free Cheese
Our NEW line of naturally lactose-free cheeses includes five flavourful varieties. Lactose is the sugar found in milk. All our lactose-free varieties contain dairy; however the lactose is removed naturally through an aging process. This makes it digestible for those with a sensitivity to lactose. No ingredients are added or removed to make the cheese lactose-free. Scan QR code on the packaging to learn more about these products and delicious dishes you can recreate!
Fresh Cheese Curds
Our freshest cheese curds, appearing in their most natural form, are perfect as a snack, in a poutine or when added to your favourite salad.