RECIPE OF THE MONTH All 3 Course Meal Appetizers Beverages Breakfast Brunch Casserole Charcuterie Board Dessert dinner Drink Drinks Entrées Lactose Free Lunch Salad Sauces / Dips & Spreads Sides Snacks Soup supper All clock icon0-25 minutes clock icon1-15 clock icon10 min clock icon15-30 clock icon20 min. clock icon30 clock icon30-45 clock icon30-50 clock icon30-60 clock icon45-60 clock icon60+ clock icon75 clock iconN/A Fall Cheese Ball vegetarian entertaining kid-friendly make-ahead no-cooking 95halloweenthanksgiving Medium Cheddar Easy Parmesan Crisps brunch entertaining game-day no-cooking potluck-picnic vegetables canada-daychristmaseasterthanksgiving Smoked Parmesan